About Dr. Delphine

Multidimensional Healer, Lightworker, Mystic, Teacher

B.Sci, DMD, Certified Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Sound Healer, YTT-200

From darkness to light.

Hello, beautiful soul. Thank you for being here.

You might be wondering how I even got on this path and what my story is all about.

I was born and raised in Paris, France, grew up in Seoul, S. Korea, then received my bachelor’s at Purdue University, followed by a doctorate degree in dental medicine from Boston University in the US. After finishing my education, I followed my intuition to embark on a new chapter in Canada.

I have been blessed with a wide spectrum of cultural experiences and perspectives, living in various places around the world. I learned very early on that no matter what language you spoke, what you looked like, and where you came from, there was one thing everyone shared in common: the language of the Heart. 

Though seemingly glamorous and exciting on the exterior, my internal life was filled with rage, anger and sadness due to the instability of constant moving, culture shock, trauma and racism. 

Nothing is a coincidence. Rather, it is divinely orchestrated at all times for the highest evolution of our soul. 

Ultimately, these challenging experiences have served as my greatest teacher.

Early on in my career as a dentist, I reached a point where I no longer knew what I was living for. On the surface level, I had it all. But none of it could make me truly happy and fulfilled. I felt so alone and misunderstood. I was completely burnt out from over-working, over-serving and, as an empath (highly sensitive soul), taking on everybody else’s heaviness as my own.

This put me in a state of severe depression for years, and I couldn’t seem to get out of this dark tunnel. 

One day, in this space of deep pain, a light bulb went on. My inner voice said, “What is the point of living when it’s full of pain and suffering? There must be something more. I am pretty sure I didn’t come here just to be miserable my whole life.”

This was the A-ha moment that completely re-directed the course of my life from darkness to illumination, from confusion to clarity and alignment, from trying so hard to fit in the mold to freeing myself completely from all labels and expectations.

I so wanted to make sense of this world and my reason for being, and this is where my profound healing and transformation journey began.

We are returning home to Love,
as One.

I spent years going deep inward, working with the ancient medicine of energy, sound and plants, and finally realized what I had been searching for all of these years.

1. My true authentic self: she had been stifled trying to fit into this society that did not value her unique authenticity.

2. Unconditional love for myself: I knew that I did not fit in, so this resulted in self-hatred.

The ancient medicine (energy, sound and plants) has such a beautiful yet potent way of showing the way of life. Slowly dissolving what isn’t you or yours, revealing your core essence as a powerful sacred human being. Through this medicine, we return home to Love.

I am so honored to be here to share this sacred medicine with you, so you can remember who you’ve always been in your most authentic expression of love, and why you chose to be here, right now.

Welcome to the temple of your heart.

This is the journey of remembering!



Empaths, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Old Souls, Medicine Womxn, Spiritual Warriors and Healers in the modern healthcare field and corporate world who are ready to awaken their true multidimensional gifts and wisdom to live their highest purpose and timeline.


From the microscopic to macroscopic,

This subtle energetic and vibratory field creates an invisible interwoven web of life connecting all living beings to the greater Cosmos.

Over the last centuries, in the old paradigm of separation and fear, humanity unfortunately lost the sacred connection with the True Self and the nature we live in, forgetting our Divine essence.

Conscious Mystic was founded with a mission to rekindle what has been lost; our sacred heart's intelligence and the frequency of love.

This is a space where spirituality and science merge;
where the ancient medicine complements the modern medicine, bridging the gap and integrating your infinite soul’s wisdom into everyday life as a divine being.

Free your heart and step into your power as the multidimensional healer you are meant to be!



Arctic Smiles Love

A portion of proceeds from Conscious Mystic are donated to this nonprofit charity organization supporting oral health education & suicide prevention for the Indigenous Inuit in Nunavut, giving back to this community that has given me so much in my ongoing service there as a dentist.