Generational Healing Journey

A 3 Month Transformational Journey. Ancient Medicine, Epigenetics & Quantum Science

Next Round Coming Fall 2024

"Break Free From Your History, Rewrite Your Story."


  • Gifts, strengths, and skills

  • Conditioned/limiting beliefs

  • Sub/unconscious patterns

  • Neurological patterns

  • The way we perceive the reality

  • The way we respond to the perceived reality

Our DNA isn't just the biological/physiological blueprint. Rather, it encompasses the experiences and the stories of ALL generations before you through the Quantum layers of the DNA.

These are all passed down generations after generations through the biological/physiological, and quantum energetic layers of DNA

We are a living manifestation of all of the previous generations.


Unconscious programming is beliefs, energetic patterns (thinking/emotional patterns) deeply embedded in your Quantum DNA, your energetic body (vs. physical body) since before birth. 

Just as you are born with the physical body through the DNA of your parents, grandparents, and the generations that date back over thousands of years, you are born with the energetic imprints of the previous generations, and the previous life times as well. 

Unconscious programming runs in the most insidious way, controlling your everyday, moment to moment thought, decision making, the way you feel, the way you respond, basically everything, and all that you are. 

This programming has been a huge part of you since the moment of conception through birth and up to this point in your life so it’s hard to even discern what is yours and what isn’t yours.

Tangible signs of unconscious programming:

“I always feel guilty, and I don't even know why "

Repeated cycles of regret.

Repeated inner voice “You are not worthy. You aren’t good enough.”

"I'm scared of... I'm afraid of..." without knowing why.

Constant feeling of needing to DO something- inability to sit still.

"Love is not real."

"Money is evil."

"I just can't imagine living a good life."

These are just a small fraction of the million unconscious beliefs and patterns running in the background of your consciousness, controlling every thought, every movement, and the entire neurology of your body.

Where do you think this programming stems from?

Did you ever think that this narrative could be coming from the internal dialogue and the belief of your mother about not being enough while she had you in your womb?

Or your grandfather who fought in the WWII that couldn’t let go of the trauma and the guilt of what he experienced?

Or your grandmother who grew up during the Korean war, lost all of her family members and all she had, and was convinced that the world isn’t a safe place to be?

Mindset shift practices can help on a surface level. However, these deeply embedded conditioned beliefs / emotions need to be energetically cleared out of your quantum DNA, and somatically released out of your physical body, for this unconscious programming to stop running your life.



Break Free From:

The old stories that do not define you nor serve you.

The limiting beliefs & subconscious/unconscious patterns

holding you back from living your wildest dreams.


Anchor the most authentic version of yourself aligned with your





  • Part 1

    April 15 12:00-2:00pm PST Online

    Life Stories & Experiences

    Thinking/Emotional/Behavioral Patterns

    Current Blockages

    Somatic & Energetic Release

  • Part 2

    May 20 12:00-2:00pm PST Online

    The Gifts, Traumas, Your Inheritance

    Breaking Through The Father-line

    Breaking Through The Mother-line

    Somatic & Energetic Release

  • Part 3

    June 10 12:00-2:00pm PST Online

    Your True & Authentic Self-

    The Real You

    Your Heart’s Wisdom



We will:

  1. Bring your most unconscious patterns to conscious awareness.

  2. Dive deep into the stories of your lineage, and identify where these insidious limiting-beliefs stem from.

  3. Once identified, energetically clear, and break the quantum entanglement in the unconscious.

  4. Somatically release the unconscious patterns from every cell in your body.

  5. Reprogram your subconscious to re-direct the path of your life to one your Higher-Self desires.

  6. Free yourself from the patterns that do not belong to you, nor never belonged to you, and actually tap into the frequency of FREEDOM, JOY, and LOVE.


3 x Live Zoom Group Calls (2-hour). April 15, May 20, June 10 2023. Includes Energetic Clearing & Alignment

1 x Private Therapy Session (Online)

1 : 1 Support Through Telegram

Soul’s Journey Workbook to Rewrite Your Story


Chakra Balancing Meditation Heart Activation Meditation Subconscious Reprogramming Shamanic Cord Cutting

Recordings will be available for purchase once the journey is completed*

All sessions will be recorded,


You experience unresolved physical pain especially in the neck/shoulder/upper back region.

You wish to break free from the generational patterns based on fear and lack- the conditioned limiting beliefs and self-sabotage tendencies

You hold fear around money, business, leadership, relationships & communication. Low self esteem, lack of self-love. Fear of being seen/heart/speaking up.

You feel a lack of vitality and joy. Feelings of sadness and depression. Psychic issues.

You are ready to step up and lead. You are ready to show up in your life as a sovereign being. You are ready to break the generational karmic pattern and create a better future for yourself and the generations to come!

Carrying the BURDEN & TRAUMA of our ANCESTORS is a REAL THING, and your don’t need to carry that burden anymore.

Your ancestors are in fact cheering you on, so you can break the generational pattern, and free yourself and the future generations to live the highest timeline on Earth that you so deserve.

Facilitated by Dr. Delphine

Facilitated by Dr. Delphine

As a practicing dentist, certified energy/sound therapist, and movement medicine facilitator, Dr. Delphine is a true bridger of realms. She combines her modern scientific knowledge with ancient medicine teachings to bring holistic approach to the healing journey. Through her unique & synergistic method, you will be guided deeper into your Heart’s Truth, liberating your Soul Essence.